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Marleen Tigersee

A Summer Adventure of a Special Kind

The summer is slowly coming to an end, for some it is going too fast, others are quietly sighing "thank God" and are already longing for cooler days. However, everyone agrees to bring the season to a fitting end, and what is the best way to do that? With an excursion into the countryside in a very special way...

Last Sunday, a group of well-dressed people could be admired at the railway station in Neustadt an der Weinstraße, where they had arranged to go on an excursion together. Followed by curious glances from other passengers, they gathered in the reserved carriage of a real steam locomotive, the Kuckucksbähnel. Before departure: bustle in the corridors. Picnic baskets, parasols and portable gramophones have to be stowed away and a seat found for everyone. While I sit down opposite an elegant lady and listen to the lively conversations around me, the stationmaster's whistle sounds outside on the track and the old steam locomotive starts its journey, rattling and puffing all the while.

The journey flies by, drinks are poured, business cards exchanged, the air heavy with anticipation. From time to time one hears appreciative remarks about the view of the beautiful Palatinate Forest. At 12 noon, the locomotive arrives in Elmstein, where souvenir photos are diligently snapped on the platform before the next item on the programme: the picnic.

A little while later, a camp of blankets is set up on a nearby meadow and the culinary treasures that had been hidden in the picnic baskets are revealed. While every now and then a champagne cork pops in the background, one can listen to the lively sounds from the gramophones brought along and let the exuberant mood of the strollers take effect. In the afternoon, one can watch a few particularly brave ones try their hand at stilt walking, others at various parlour games and still others pass the time with a game of badminton.

Finally, a few well-known folk songs are sung, inviting the guests to sing along. At some point, the last pipe is smoked, the glasses drunk and whatever delicacies are left are packed back into the baskets and bags. The group makes its way to the platform where the Kuckucksbähnel is already waiting to take the excursionists back. All aboard! The locomotive begins to move ponderously and soon the platform disappears into the distance.

The last hour of the ride back passes in a lively mood and with more singing, until the train station in Neustadt is reached. Time to say goodbye to new friends and old acquaintances. We says to each other: Hope to see you soon - but at the latest in a year's time!

(photos by PicTrail)

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